It does, you know. You just have to get it hot enough.

Friday, December 30, 2011

playing catch-up

I had an unexpected health issue pop up that put me in the hospital for a couple of weeks. I took a lot of paper notes and am trying to get them all into email/blog posts.


posted by jet at 16:40  


  1. Haven’t read your input into the MAKERBOT forums. Are you OK after your health and the Holidays?

    Brian Stott South Hills, Pittsburgh
    bots #003675 & 003253

    Comment by Brian Stott — 2012/01/14 @ 17:03

  2. Playing catch-up on a month’s worth of missed email,etc, while doing physical therapy needed to get me to “approved for working” status. I’m back to typing 60-70wpm and such but it’s rare I can go a day without a nap or two.

    Comment by jet — 2012/01/14 @ 18:34

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